- 12789717 {12789717:RN9J2ZQ2} 1 apa 50 default 445
- 12789717 {12789717:HF3I9PIZ} 1 apa 50 default 445, M.-R. (1982). Motion in the System: Coffee, Color, and Slavery in Eighteenth-Century Saint-Domingue. Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 5(3), 57.
- 12789717 {12789717:XIAU4SC8} 1 apa 50 default 445, M. (2009). Red and Black in Haiti | Matthew J. Smith.
- At the end of Matthew Smith’s book, he talked about the trauma a lot of Haitians felt after the fall of Jean-Claude Duvalier’s regime, trauma that attempted to erase not only all physical vestiges of the regime but also a forced amnesia ensued amongst the general public.
- It’s legit to talk about what the Duvalier regime did to the Haitians, we also have to admit what a lot of Haitians did to other Haitians using the Duvalier regime. The only true victims are the peasantry.
- We don’t talk about Bruno. Some Haitians also don’t talk about Duvalier because they were complicit and benefited from the meager largesse of the regimes,