The Colonial System Unveiled
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Of the many topics discussed in this interview, none stuck with me more than the Baron de Vastey toast described below.
The year...
Simbi and the Coders: When Magic Becomes Automation
There was a time when coding was magic. The engineers, the ones who could summon logic from the ether, who could bend systems to...
Can We Ever Just Be? Black Identity Beyond the Shadow of...
Can we, as people of African descent, ever exist without the West as our measuring stick, our shadow, our perpetual point of departure? Can...
Spirals in the Caribbean: Representing Violence and Connection in Haiti and...
This conversation with Dr. Sophie Maríñez is less an interview than a reckoning for me, an excavation of Haitian and Dominican ghosts, of histories...
Dominoes, Dictators, and Human History
Last night, the second installment of our monthly dominoes game was in full effect—just men, bonding, exhaling. The tiles slapped the table like punctuation...
Rejecting the Tin-Cup Cycle of ‘Helping’ Haiti
A dear friend—well-meaning yet so profoundly detached from Haiti’s enduring wounds—asked me recently if I might leverage my connections for her church’s missionary project....
The Road is Made by Walking It: Why No One Can...
People think wisdom can be bottled, labeled, and sold. They believe that a professor can give them knowledge, not just about a subject, but...
The Code Noir
The Code Noir was more than law—it was a script for suffering, a doctrine of domination dressed in the language of governance. Issued in...
Rituals and Resonance: Exploring the Tapestry of Haitian Vodou
Under the watchful gaze of our ancestors and to the beat of sacred drums, I journeyed here into the mystical realm of Haitian Vodou...
The Land Remembers: Tourism, Legacy, and the Haitian Future
Haiti, land of contradictions they say, where the past is not just remembered but lived. The soil still carries the footprints of revolution, the...